House Plans for Skip and Josie

Outside dimension of the addition is 28' by 20' 6". Ceiling height for the basement is 8', ground floor is 9', second floor is 8' at the walls, with a cathedral or tray ceiling above that. The atrium extends two floors and is entirely open to the staircase and the Great Room, so there are no interior load bearing walls.

I envision the external walls thickness as being simular to 2x6 framing. The roof/ceiling thickness should be typical for a southern/atlanta home. Interior walls I expect will be stick framed, though I am considering steel framing. Note too that there is a significant cantilever, 6', at the back of the roof, covering the balcony.

Ground Floor Plan

Upper Level


Front Elevation.

North Elevation

South Elevation

Rear Elevation

Front Detail


Extant Elevations

Extant Plan

Electrical Ground Floor

Electrical Upper Level